We facilitate learning paths
Learning Goals
We are a consulting company which offers training in creating, applying and using digital maps as well as providing resources for teachers, schools and divisions. The workshop model offers six learning paths tailored to the specific learning goals requested.
Through the MapToLearn workshops teachers will have the opportunity to meet the following professional learning goals:
- Acquire the knowledge and skills to create and use digital maps.
- Make connections with curriculum, gaining an understanding of how digital mapping can be a powerful tool to meet curricular outcomes across all subjects and grades.
- Use digital maps to support inquiry based and experiential learning.
- Use digital maps to help students make their thinking and learning visible.
- Explore and use digital maps created by others to support student learning.
Through digital mapping students will have the opportunity to meet the following learning goals:
- Acquire the knowledge and skills to create and use digital maps.
- Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to address inquiry questions.
- Create digital maps to demonstrate evidence of their learning.
- Connect with the world as students explore applications of digital mapping as a global citizen both in the workplace and in the community.
Learning Paths
The Overview provides an introduction to several technologies related to digital mapping with a focus on ESRI’s ArcGIS Online. The following questions will be addressed:
- What is GIS and GPS?
- What is a digital map?
- What is ArcGIS Online?
- What are the skills and knowledge required to create a a digital map?
- In what ways can digital mapping and story maps engage students in inquiry and in sharing their evidence of learning?
- In what ways can we use existing digital maps to support students in meeting curricular outcomes?
In addition to addressing the questions as presented in the Overview, Learning the Basics provides a hands-on learning experience for the following:
- ArcGIS Online – creating a digital map
- Adding layers using Map Notes
- Web Apps – One of the following Story Maps:
- Basic
- Journal
- Swipe and Spy Glass
- Tour
- Series
- A review of online resources that support digital mapping
Collecting Data provides the skills required to add data to a digital map by:
- finding data already available on various sites.
- adding user created tables.
- importing waypoints & paths from GPS devices.
- importing data from existing Google Earth or Google maps.
- using smart phones to collect data and submit to live maps.
Digital Mapping in the Classroom provides teachers and students with shared opportunities to use digital mapping to explore, inquire and create deeper understandings within curricular expectations.
The implementation model can be tailored to the professional learning goals identified by the school or division team. In the models suggested below it is essential that a minimum of 2 planning days (or equivalent) be included.
- Offered over 3 days, an enrichment model where teams of teachers and students from several schools work together to integrate learning across curriculums applying their evidence of learning using digital mapping.
- Work with teachers and entire classes in one school to support integrated learning and the implementation of digital mapping.
- Provide resources tailored to meet curricular outcomes across all subjects, grade levels, teacher/student expertise
Train the Trainer, in addition to the learning offered in the Overview and in Learning the Basics, includes the technical knowledge required to administer digital mapping within a school or division:
- How to create and maintain teacher and student accounts
- An overview of ‘ArcGIS Online for Manitoba Schools’
- Address specific IT policies that may affect the use of this tool
The Custom Learning Path provides collaborative planning and supports to implement a customized digital mapping project for students and teachers.